Power Struggle

Power Struggle

We have, all of us, a power problem, and I’ve only touched on a few of the different forms power problems can take. Still, one of the common factors found in many of our issues with power may stem from the reality that we may have evolved to the point where our...


Have you ever appreciated the work of a restorer? The restoration process can be long and grueling, but the outcome is often incredible. One of the most intriguing things to me about restoration is how the restored piece of furniture, instrument, vehicle, or house can...
A Prayer of Spiritual Awakening

A Prayer of Spiritual Awakening

Father, You are wondrous. Your marvelous love goes beyond what human language can describe, yet I still know it deeper than understanding allows. Let Your Kingdom be know in the Name of Jesus and let Your plan unfold in my life. Open heaven and show me Your glory. I...
Dickinson, Texas

Dickinson, Texas

It’s been one month since 21 strangers from Crossroads Church left Pittsburgh to help with the relief and recovery efforts after Hurricane Harvey. Three groups of flyers, a pair of 3-day drivers, and a 2-day caravan of seven guys embarked for...
More Than a Task to Accomplish

More Than a Task to Accomplish

Almost every Thursday night, I gather with a group of musicians to rehearse the music for the weekend worship services. Like many other worship rehearsals at churches across the nation, we are normally focussed on the task of working through the songs to make sure we...
Value Others Above Yourselves

Value Others Above Yourselves

Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from His love, if any common sharing in The Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of...
Deeper Issues

Deeper Issues

Social media, sports talk radio, and news outlets have been mostly filled with polarized perspectives of the NFL, the national anthem, the flag of the United States of America, respect, honor, equality, and our military. Articles and posts about hurricane relief...
You’re Doing It Wrong

You’re Doing It Wrong

I think I give off a vibe of “You’re doing it wrong.” I have to consciously make an effort to not jump into projects that others are working on without being asked for help. It’s not that I think I can do everything better, I just notice little...
What Is Truth (Finally Following Up)

What Is Truth (Finally Following Up)

I said that I would write a follow-up about The Shack after reading the book for myself. Fiction has not been on my reading list for quite some time, and it was not the easiest read for me. I found myself pressing through to read it because I said I would. I...