“Let the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in Your sight,
O Yahweh, my rock and my Redeemer.”
Psalm 19:14 (LSB)


I’m not the first to admit this and I’m sure I won’t be the last: I get a lot of things wrong and I don’t have it all figured out. To say I’m not perfect would be an understatement. But on this journey of life, I have the assurance that I am being made more like Jesus Christ as I seek His Kingdom and righteousness and follow His lead through Scripture and wise counsel.

I’ve got a lot of layers, but at my core you will find a man who is wholy devoted to Jesus Christ, loves his family fiercely, cares deeply for the local Church, and expresses creativity though food, music, and digital art. Those who don’t know me can peel back on some of those layers on my bio page.

Wondering what to expect here? You might find anything from cooking reels and short blog posts to original music, worship sets, and sermon manuscripts. I’m doing my best to keep everything organized and I hope you will find encouragement and maybe even something that will draw you closer to your Creator.

Wednesday Worship

I started out recording worship sets to post on YouTube for people to use in the middle of the week to reset their focus on Christ. Here’s the playlist of all the #worshipwednesday sets with the most recent one up front. My prayer is that these worship sets will help you stay centered or recenter your focus on God, seeking first His Kingdom and righteousness.

Past Sermons

One of the privileges/honors/responsibilities of being a pastor is to preach. This is even true of a worship pastor, like me. Here are some of the sermons I’ve preached over the years.


I’ve led countless worship services, co-written/produced original music for a Christmas play, and written songs for the local church. You’ll find the music here.


Whether I feel like I have something to say to the general public or simply need to process my thoughts through writing, keeping a blog takes care of both. This is what I’ve been writing since 2009.

Latest Blog Post

Stepping Off Into The Air

Stepping Off Into The Air

Early in high school, when I was just learning how to play guitar, my youth pastor brought in a guy he knew to lead worship. I actually attribute a lot of what I learned about worship leading to him. He helped us grow as musicians and worship leaders simply by being...

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Latest Sermon

The Words Of My Mouth

The Words Of My Mouth

Words have power. And I think they have the most power when they are words of prayer. Powerful prayers don’t have to be long and filled with Christianese. A prayer can simply be speaking the name of Jesus.

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Ideas, Ambitions, and Past Experiences

There always seems to be something more I want to do (or do again). I was a podcast cohost once and I’d like to do that again. I’ve started a handful of books but the most I ever wrote was about three chapters. I have ideas for side-hustles like building guitars, roasting coffee, or designing shirts and stickers and other merchandise. All of those things would be fulfilling for me, but I don’t want to do any of them just for my own satisfaction. I get a lot more joy in creating things that others enjoy. What do you think you would enjoy most?

What would you want most?


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Transparency and How To Support

There is a cost to everything. I remember my economics teacher in high school saying, “There’s no such thing as a free lunch.” That being said, there is a cost associated with a lot of what you find here (webhosting, music copyrighting and publishing, recording gear, etc). One of my biggest annoyances with websites is the overwhelming amount of ads, especially when trying to read something on my phone. So, there are no ads on this website (even if it’s a recipe page… those are the worst).

However, I do have links to Amazon in many blog posts and may earn a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase something through one of those links. Read the full disclosure here (along with all the other legal stuff that websites like this are supposed to disclose).

If you’d like to support me in a more active way, consider being a paid subscriber on Patreon. There are a few perks for subscribers and I plan to add more tiers with extra perks.