The 6 wise practices from Jude for contending for the faith:
Keep watch for perversions of the true Gospel.
Remember the teachings and predictions of the Apostles. o Build up your faith.
Pray in the Spirit.
Keep in the love of God.
Have mercy on those who doubt and share your faith.
There are no neutral relationships.
Whatisthebalanceoftherelationshipsinyourlife?Aretheremorepeople building you up and contending for the faith with you, or are you more surrounded by people who tear you down and sow seeds of division? Explain.
ArethereareasofyourlifethatarehiddeninshadowsawayfromGod’slove?What will it take to move them into the light in order to keep in God’s love? Takesome time to confess to one another.
NameonepersoninyourlifethatneedstheworkoftheHolySpirittoopentheirheart to Jesus Christ. Spend time praying for them in the Spirit.