Question Key

I tend to multitask… A Lot. It’s debatable whether my multitasking makes me more or less productive, but the fact remains that I have a tendency to at least try to more than one thing at a time. At this very moment, I am writing this blog post. duplicating DVDs, eating my lunch, and deleting emails that I don’t need. All of this is happening with one eye on my Twitter feed and an ear listening for text messages, emails, phone calls, and Facebook updates.

You might think I am the picture of adult ADHD with minor inclinations towards OCD, or you might just think I have too many mediums of communication at my fingertips. That doesn’t really matter. What matters is that my tendency to multitask often leads to me want to start new projects that I honestly do not have the time to complete or work on with excellence.

The Cause Blog is a prime example of this. I launched a new blog last month with a desire to get people involved in making a real difference in the world. Although I had great intentions, I soon found myself losing interest in keeping up with it as my work load increased in other areas. It’s not that there wasn’t any passion about what I was doing, I just began to realize that there wasn’t a real need for it. Anyone who made it to that blog could have just as easily found a cause that they want to support with a quick Google search.

I began to ask myself, “What’s the point?” What was I trying to accomplish by launching a new blog? What it boils down to is that I wanted to feel like I was making a difference in the world. I realized that this new blog was not going to do it for me. The fact is that I make a bigger difference in the world for God’s Kingdom through what I do at work than I would ever had made through that blog. I just wasn’t seeing it.

One of our newest pastors shared this morning about his journey and how he got to where he is today. One of the things that struck me is that he has come up with a life plan that took him through age 50. This plan was not just something he dreamed up on his own, but something that he arrived at through prayer and the guiding of the Holy Spirit. I got to thinking about my own life and where I am headed (again).

I don’t have a life plan. I don’t think I could really come up with one right now either. What I can do is look at where I have been and take account of the relationships and influences I have had in my life. I can see how God has used parts of my past to prepare me for where I am now. I also know that He has a plan for my future that involves where I am now. I am right where He wants me to be, and I have a growing sense that this is primarily where He wants me to stay for a while.

That being said, I also know that He has gifted me with the ability to do much more than my job requires of me. The second blog was not it. It wasn’t long ago that I tried my hand at consulting. At the time I felt that it was not for me either, but I learned some valuable lessons from the experience. A few weeks ago I was approached about being a part of something new, but I was hesitant because of my recent failures in new ventures. The difference though is that I would not being on my own. I would be a part of a group that works together and supports each other.

I prayed about it and waited for a clear answer, or at least a peace about the opportunity. Lately, I have been learning a lot about hearing God and listening to what He has to say. God spoke to my concerns by having another person from my past approach me about something that was seemingly unrelated, but that conversation is what brought me a peace about the opportunity before me.

I can’t share any more information about this opportunity yet, but I can tell you that it has me excited again. Not only will I be able to use my gifts to further God’s Kingdom, but those gifts will grow even more and add more value to what I am doing now.

I’m done trying to do new things just to earn a few extra bucks. I’m done starting new projects just because I get bored for a few moments. The point is not to stay busy and achieve the American Dream. The point is to remain in God’s calling and move with Him rather than in front of or around Him.