I seem to have hit a plateau in regards to the followers of this blog. While I have a few theories about why that is (thanks John), I think the main reason is constancy. If you’ve followed my posts for any length of time, you’ve probably noticed the almost scatterbrained approach to blogging. The more I’ve read about how a successful blogger becomes successful, the more I’ve notice how I miss the mark on multiple levels. So to combat the ADD nature of my blog, I plan to add some structure to my posts in the coming weeks.

Music Mondays

This could be anything from a song that I’m writing to the background of an old hymn to the meaning behind lyrics that have grabbed my attention. If it’s a post that has to do with music, you’ll find it on Mondays.

Technology Tuesdays

The tech world is always changing. These posts will be about tech announcements, apps, blogging, church production, and the list could go on. I could even see some kind of interview with a volunteer or a how-to segment here.

Window Wednesdays

Wednesdays I get personal. This is what’s been going on in my life. Wednesdays give you a window (to keep with the alliteration) into my life.

Theology Thursdays

“How deep The Father’s love for us, how vast beyond all measure.” Thursdays are all about God and our relationship with Him. These posts will stem from my personal study, experiences in The Church, and theological discussions I have with my mentor and peers.

Freestyle Fridays

Here’s where you come in. I’d love to respond to your questions and/or discuss topics that you would like my take on. If I don’t hear from you, I’ll either revisit a popular post or just let my randomness run wild. Fridays are open to just about anything.