With the craziness of the Christmas season finally calmed down, it’s time to clean up.  While the decorations are still up at home, the church has been “de-decorated” and there is now a bit of organizing to do.  With all the time we spent putting up and taking down decorations, fixing and/or replacing equipment, concerts, rehearsals, and services, some of our work spaces have been declared state of emergency battle zones.  While most people take care of the major cleaning up in the spring, January is the big clean up month around here.  If you think about it, the timing makes sense.  The three biggest (read busiest) times of the year for the church are Christmas, September, and Easter.  With Easter right around the corner, the cleanup has to happen now so that we are ready for Easter preparation.

So spring cleaning is actually to get ready for spring.  Winter cleaning just doesn’t have the same ring to it.