One of our bedtime routines with the kids is to say prayers with them. It’s interesting to see how their prayers change over time.

Each of our kids started by learning a prayer that they could say every night, thanking God for the day and asking for good dreams and protection and for a good day to follow a good night’s sleep. They’ve also each gone through a phase of not wanting to say prayers, and that’s where our youngest is now.

My daughter has progressed to the point of falling back on routine, and as I pray with her, I try to add specific prayers that directly relate to her day and things that are coming up with her. I pray that she catches on and begins to pray in her own way rather than just reciting a memorized prayer.

It’s neat to see where my oldest son is though. He’s the middle child, so there’s a lot that he could be frustrated or annoyed with, but his prayers are based on thanks. He always starts with the routine, “Thank you Jesus for this day, and we love You. Give us good dreams, wake us up for a fresh new day, keep us safe…” but he then turns to giving thanks. Tonight, he thanked Jesus for dying on the cross and for giving us the Bible. He then thanked Him for making each person in our family and for his friends.

This past weekend, we focused on the death and resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ. How often do we take time to thank God for saving us by His own wounds? How often do we take time to thank Him for the things that we easily take for granted like the Bible. We may pray for our friends and family when troubles come, but how often are we thankful for their existence?

We have a lot to be thankful for. What are you thankful for?

I am thankful for a family that loves me unconditionally. I am thankful for a job that provides the means to provide for my family. I am thankful for my mom and the live that she continues to pour out towards me even though I’ve failed so many times. I am thankful for my children who remind me that we sometime have to learn things the hard way, but other times we just need a reminder. I am thankful for my pastors who are willing to come along side of me when I need help, and encourage me when I am doing well. I am thankful for my wife, period. She is a constant reminder of love through her servant’s heart and she is an amazing mother to our kids. I am thankful for the home that God has given us. I am thankful for the friends He has blessed me with. I am thankful for the new life I have through the death and resurrection of Jesus.

I could continue, but I want to hear from you.

So I ask again. What are you thankful for?