
Be Humbled. Be On Guard. Trust The Process.

Be Humbled. Be On Guard. Trust The Process.

Peter’s life was radically changed by Jesus Christ.
All of Peter’s letter should be looked at under the lens of the sovereignty of God, especially 1 Peter 5:6-11.
The God of all grace is sovereign over salvation, suffering, life, death, and everything in between.
Peter exhorts the older in faith to shepherd the younger ones in the flock.
God rewards those who shepherd others in accordance with His will.
Younger Christians ought to submit to the wisdom of their elders.
Humility is not natural. We have to put it on.
Pride leaves no room for grace.
Allowing worry to captivate you is a form of submitting to pride.
Humility is a gift to be applied under the sovereignty of God’s mighty hand.
Be humbled.
Be on guard.
Trust the process.

The Way, The Truth, And The Life

The Way, The Truth, And The Life

Every book in the Bible reveals and points towards Jesus Christ.
Jesus is the center of time and sovereign over it.
We are all drawn to God because it is our created nature to be drawn to Him.
We were not created to be separated from God; separation is a result of sin.
Death and condemnation are our default settings because of sin.
It has always been God’s plan to save His people from their sins.
Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
The penalty of sin has been paid (Romans 5:8-11).
The power of sin has been disconnected (Romans 6:20-23).
The presence of sin will ultimately be removed (2 Peter 3:1-13).
We cannot walk two different directions at once; we are either walking towards sin or walking towards Jesus.
It is by God’s grace that we can repent and be reoriented towards Jesus.
God’s grace frees us from the penalty, power, and presence of sin.
It is by God’s grace that we are saved.

Praise* in every circumstance

Praise* in every circumstance

There are lingering effects to spending so much time isolated from one another.
It’s ok to not be ok.
Saying “I’m fine” when we aren’t really fine is not healthy.
There is power in praise and worship.
Lament is meant to be a part of our worship.
Praising God is not for God’s benefit or our own. We praise God because of whoHe is and who we are.
Sometimes we just have to praise, even if we don’t feel like it. There is a longingfor God deeper than our feelings.
The more we spin our wheels when we are stuck in a rut, the deeper the rut gets.Jesus tells us to go to Him, and He will give us rest.

Wisdom Contends for the Faith

Wisdom Contends for the Faith

The 6 wise practices from Jude for contending for the faith:
– Keep watch for perversions of the true Gospel.
– Remember the teachings and predictions of the Apostles. o Build up your faith.
– Pray in the Spirit.
– Keep in the love of God.
Have mercy on those who doubt and share your faith.
There are no neutral relationships.

From Groaning to Glory

From Groaning to Glory

Dwell in the Word of God. Breathe it in.
We need to be saved.
Salvation is through Jesus Christ.
Salvation brings freedom.
– Freedom from the wrath of God.
– Freedom from sin.Freedom from the law.
– Freedom from death.
We live in the already and not yet of the Kingdom of God. We are already in His glory, but not yet in the fullness of glory.
Dwell in the Word of God.