David Crowder Band - Illuminate

This has to be one of my favorite songs of all time, as well as one of my bands.  The simple melody carries me into an attitude of laying down my pride, selfishness, insecurity, and anything else that I am allowing to burden me.  It doesn’t matter if I’m listening to this song on my iPod when I’m all alone or leading a congregation through it, I am humbled every time.

Take my heart, I lay it down
At the feet of You who’s crowned
Take my life, I’m letting go
I lift it up to You who’s throned

And I will worship You Lord
Only You Lord
And I will bow down before You
Only You Lord

Take my fret, take my fear
All I have, I’m leaving here
Be all my hopes, be all my dreams
Be all my delights, be my everything

And it’s just You and me here now
Only You and me here now

David Crowder | Jason Solley | Mike Dodson | Mike Hogan © 2003 worshiptogether.com song, sixsteps Music, Inot Music

My favorite part is last bit of lyrics.  “And it’s just You and me here now.  Only You and me here now.”  I love to close my eyes as I sing that part.  With nothing in sight to distract me, my focus is on Christ alone.  It’s almost as if we are standing right next to each other.  Depending on what has been going on in my life, I can’t help but fall at His feet with godly fear or lean into Him to be comforted in His embrace.  I seek His wisdom with a longing to give Him my heart, my everything.  With my lips I am praising His name, and with my heart I am putting my hopes and dreams in Him.

I wonder what songs bring you to a place of total abandonment in the worship of our LORD.