Be a part of the live webcast and join the conversation about “Leading the Next Christians” with Gabe Lyons and Tim Keller right here at 2PM ET.


If you missed the live webcast on February 17, I’ve included some of the notes I took on twitter.

My Tweets

To reach the lost – be Extremely like the people around us but at the same time be Extremely different than the people around us. #qideas

Non-Christians can engage when they understand the concept of calling in Christians. #qideas

We need to focus a little less on being relevant and maybe b a little more different. Is “attractional” ministry still the best way? #qideas

The seeker church wants to show the lost that “we are just like you.” They way forward is not to prove that we are cool and hip. #qideas

You don’t want to be strange, but you don’t want to seem desperate to be just like the world #qideas

The Church should be emphasizing how we are different rather than how we are the same as everyone else. #qideas

It’s important to teach vocational leaders how to live out faith in their workplace and bring the Gospel into their vocation. #qideas

How does the Gospel shape my work and how I do my work? #qideas

Find the edges of where industries are broken and apply the Gospel to them, seeking how God can use you to fix the brokenness. #qideas

Being a Christian is more than just saying “yes” to Jesus. It applies to how you live your life. #qideas

Find something in the world (workplace, neighborhood, school) that is broken and ask God how you can be an instrument of restoration.#qideas

A preacher connected to his people will be more likely to preach The Word in ways that are relevant to those people. #qideas

People want to be challenged, not just spoon fed little morsels of God’s Word. #qideas