So Tire

Sometimes this is all I want to do

It’s now been almost two weeks since we sold our car and new routines are finally starting to set in for me. If you know me you know that I hate mornings, especially when I have to wake up early. My wife has always started work two hours before me and now we are both getting up earlier.

I keep thinking that I can just take a nap at my mom’s house or at my desk at work, but I’m beginning to think that is not the best idea for me. Not only would that make me more tired throughout the day, but I’d be (and have been) missing out on a lot of time that I could be spending on more productive things like reading, writing, studying, or playing my guitar.

Even when I’m trying to be productive, I get so easily distracted. For example: I’ve been writing this post for 45 minutes. Something as short as this should only take about five minutes to write. I’m hoping that as I get used to these early hours, I will begin to develop better skills in avoiding or getting past distractions.