Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. (Colossians 3:16 ESV)

Music is not just about a euphoric feeling stemming from the connection you make with the beat, melody, or lyrics. Music is a connecting point for community and lends an opportunity to connect with God from the heart. Music concerts and festivals are some of the most highly attended events in the world. When certain songs are played at sporting events, the crowd joins in an sings along. Church services are usually started with a time of worship through music. Music can pump you up for the big game or calm a crying baby when it’s time to sleep. There is power in music.

When I was getting ready to graduate high school, the school started making it a requirement to do a senior project. Since I was leading worship at youth group, I wanted to weave that in somehow, so I chose the topic of music and it’s affect on learning. I don’t know where my report is now, I remember a lot of what I learned. Music tends to make learning something easier. Think about it, everyone probably knows the lyrics to a few of their favorite songs. If you think back to your elementary school days, you can probably remember a few songs that helped you learn like the ABCs. Almost every TV show for preschool kids has some kind of song to help them learn or remember something.

For the practical side of my senior project, I led worship at different points around a few lessons that I taught to the middle school students. When we sang before the lesson, the students retained more of the information and engaged in their small group discussions more than when the music was after the lesson. It just goes to show that there is more to leading off a church service with music than just giving the people who are running late an opportunity to find a seat without being embarrassed. Music in a worship service helps people to relax and let down their guard so that they can hear more from their hearts. Worship music leads people to move past the distractions of the world and focus on God and His Word. When we sing together in a corporate setting, we are all in one accord, seeking the wisdom of God.