clockWe all have them sometimes. I usually know ahead of time when I am going to have a long day, but sometimes they kind of sneak up on me. Yesterday was one of those days that snuck up on me as there was a lot more work in getting set up for an event tonight than I expected and I had to drive for an hour during work to pick up some supplies. Today is one of those long days that I knew about yesterday. There are two events happening today and everything that was setup yesterday will need to be torn down tonight after this evening’s event. I thought I was ready for a long day, but it’s already getting longer…

The Dark Side

I left my phone and my lunch at home this morning as I was running out the door to get my son to school on time. Nothing makes me feel like I got my day off to a rough start more than leaving something at home on my way to work. Now I will either have to go home to get my stuff, making my day feel even longer, or just go without my phone and fast today. While those two things are not bad ideas in and of themselves, the involuntary nature makes them less than ideal.

The Bright Side

Before I get more frustrated in myself, I want to look at the bright side of the day. Even though I will be working long hours today, I am doing so with friends. I’m not working a 14 hour shift of straight manual labor or computer work; my day will actually be split up nicely between the events, meetings, and maybe even a little bit of down time. The work that my coworkers and I put in yesterday means there is almost no prep work to do today and this evening’s event will be awesome.

A different perspective can change attitude in a flash. Little frustrations and small set-backs do not have to be the catalyst for your day. Just stop, step back, and take in a bigger picture and it might be easier to move beyond the frustrations and set-backs.