Have you noticed that the first thing nearly everyone asks when they are getting to know you is “What do you do?” I guess it makes sense. If you sleep 8 hrs. every night and work 40 hrs. per week, then one third of your time awake is spent at work. What we do is a big part of who we are, but it’s still only a part of who we are.

Beyond our vocations, there are many other ways we might be labeled. From political bias and sexual orientation to race and annual income, we often let manmade labels define us.

Key Points

  • Our identity is not what we do.
  • Our Identity is not what we have done.
  • God’s plan from the beginning of time has been that we would be identified with Him.
  • All have sinned = we are all on the same playing field with the same stats.
  • Jesus lived a perfect life, but became sin on the cross so that we could become His righteousness.
  • Sin died at the cross and we are made new.
  • We are adopted as sons and daughters of the King.
  • As sons and daughters, we are ambassadors, carrying the Name of Jesus everywhere we go.With our new identity as children of God comes the responsibility of carrying His reconciliation to the world.


  1. In what way did the message speak to you?
  2. Has anyone ever made you feel like you were less than or not good enough? How did that impact your life?
  3. What gets in the way of seeing yourself as a child of God, adopted as a son or daughter, with all the rights to His Kingdom that comes with being adopted?
  4. Explain what an ambassador is and what their responsibility is.
  5. How will you be an ambassador for Jesus Christ this week where you work, live, and play?