It has been over five years since I started blogging and both the design of my blog and my writing consistency have gone through many changing seasons during that time. I’ve started to think through all of my posts from the past five years and I began to realize that it may be time to do some housekeeping. I’d like to think that I have become more focused in my writing, even if more time passes between them. I’ve written some posts that have triggered much discussion and/or debate, and many others that have barely been read. Sometimes a hot topic was used to bring traffic to my blog, but they are usually topics that I really care about and want to talk about.

Housekeeping in regards to my blog will consist of a few things:

  1. Remove old posts that are not relevant or add any value.
  2. Edit remaining posts that were not well written or need an update.
  3. Try to fix as many broken links as possible.
  4. Recategorize all  posts so that “General” is no longer used as a catchall category.
  5. Redesign my 404 page to let people know where missing posts have gone and direct them to this post for more information.

This is going to be a long process, and if you are a regular reader, you may not even notice. Just like my interactions on social media, this blog gives people a picture of who I am. I want that picture to be as accurate as possible, and so a little bit (or a lot) of housekeeping is necessary at this time. My digital footprint grows nearly every time I get online. I want to put my best foot forward. Thank you all for continuing to read my what I have to say, and I’m sorry if I’ve deleted something that you really liked.