I recently started writing songs based on The Lord’s Prayer. I am captivated by the fact that the Bible does not record the disciples asking Jesus to teach them anything other than how to pray. They asked why they could heal in a certain case. A couple of them even asked to get the best seats in heaven. They watched as He healed people. They saw Him walk on water and one of them even briefly did the same. He calmed the sea and taught in parables. All of this, and it was the way Jesus prayed that they really wanted to tap into.
When Jesus taught His disciples how to pray, he started with:
…Our Father in heaven,
Matthew 6:9 (NIV)
hallowed be your name…
That simple beginning is where this song comes from.
Holy Is Your Name
Our Father
Almighty God
You are Holy
Our Father
Sovereign over all
You are Holy
We bow down
At the mention of Your Name
We cry out
Glory, honor, and praise
You are Holy
Holy is Your Name
Holy, holy, holy
Lord God Almighty
You have been who You are
Forever holy