In many premarital classes, the topic of how we think as opposite sexes comes up. Men are often compared to waffles or egg cartons and women to spaghetti or a pile of yarn. The point is that men tend to think in compartments and think through everything being interconnected.

Lately I’ve been noticing my waffle brain becoming more of a waffle life.  I would notice that I was not at my best in one area of my life and focus more on that area.  As a result, other areas of my life would take a back seat and approach failure.  If I would start focusing on another area, the one I just worked on would fall behind again.

Last week, I asked for prayer to find a Godly balance.  I was coming to the realization that I am not going to be perfect at anything, but also not a failure.  I know that my efforts at finding my own balance were failing, so I was specifically asking for balance from God.  Nothing in me changed though.  Over the past week I continued to try to balance everything on my own.

This morning I found myself feeling like every part of my life is out of balance.  From the moment I woke up, everything felt like it was falling apart.  Maybe that’s what I needed to start relying on God for balance.  I haven’t hit rock bottom in any aspect of my life, and I hope I don’t.  This morning made me realize that I need to start removing distractions from my life in order to even see the balance that God wants for me.

So that is my prayer this week.  God, help me to remove distractions from my life that are pulling my focus from knowing You.