Date of The Rapture

Why do people insist on predicting a date that the Bible explicitly no one will know? (image via flickr)

In the great words of Michael Stipe, “That’s great is starts with an earthquake, birds, snakes, an aeroplane, Lenny Bruce is not afraid.” If no one can predict the return of Christ, why do people insist on trying?

NEWS FLASH: Christians don’t believe the world is going to end today.

@MuseZack tweeted that yesterday and I have to agree. Sure, there are “Christians” who are proclaiming the end of the world, but anyone who has read what the Bible actually has to say about judgement day knows that no one knows when it will happen.

Christians do not believe the world is ending today

Thanks you @MuseZack

These people who are proclaiming the end of the world are doing nothing but giving Evangelical Christianity a bad name. It’s hard enough to share the Gospel with a skeptic without all the false prophesies that make headlines throughout the world.

Click here to see how Gabe Lyons weighed in on the Judgement Day prediction on ABC this morning.

If you think you know when the end of the world is, I wish you’d keep it to yourself because no one really knows. Even if you don’t believe what the Bible says about the end of the world as we know it, statistics would show that the chances of someone being right about the date of Judgement Day are null. Every “prediction” of the end of the world has been wrong so far.