I think I am finally growing up.  Through out my school years I had always hated assignments that involved extended reading or multiple pages of writing.  It’s been almost two years since I started this blog and I’ve really begun to enjoy writing.  It’s like acquiring a taste for coffee.  Your first taste of coffee is often a disgusting experience, but the more you drink it, the more you grow to enjoy it.  I have not grown to enjoy coffee, but I have grown to enjoy reading and writing. It’s almost freeing.

Over the past few months, I’ve started to think about the possibility of writing a book.  This may come as a surprise to some.  It was definitely a surprise to me.  I have this desire to write, but the problem is that I don’t really know what to write about sometimes.  That would explain why this blog is so broad when it comes to topical focus.  Right now this desire to write is nothing more than a seed being watered by the writing I do here and cultivated by what I’ve been reading.

Where I Write

This is where I've been doing my writing...

I don’t think I’ll have a book written for at least a few years, if at all.  I am not going to force it.  If this is something God has planned for me, it has to happen in His timing.  Although I have my doubts that I will ever have a book written, I still have a sense of expectancy.  I think this is how many Christians live their lives.

Doubt can be defined as a feeling of uncertainty about the truth, reality, or nature of something.  This feeling often comes from the mind as we hear arguments against what we believe to be true.  These feelings of doubt can be good when they don’t overcome our sense of expectancy.  As Christians, we expect to see Jesus Christ face to face.  We expect that He will return and usher in a new heaven and new earth.  We expect to live for eternity in the Glory of God when our earthly bodies pass away.  These expectations feed the desire to seek the Truth more fervently in the face of doubt.

I know it’s a bad analogy because I don’t know that I will write a book, but I do know there is Truth in the promises of God…

Over the Past Month

Everything you’ve read in this post to this point was written about a month ago. Since then I’ve felt even more of a pull towards writing. I have an idea for a book, but the idea of writing a book is still distant to me. Something I’ve really felt a prompting towards is writing for our church. Most churches today have small groups, and our church was started as a small group of couples. While the plethora of small group curriculum out there is full of great content, there is something about material that is written specifically for you that makes it carry more weight or seem more .

Will I be writing small group curriculum for our church? I don’t know. Will I write the book that I have an idea about? I don’t know. Not knowing is not a sign of doubt, but a sign that I am free to follow where God leads me. I don’t want to force my agenda. I do plan to pursue writing for my church and eventually a book, but if neither of them happen, I’m ok with that too.