Everyone has at least one deep desire.  This deep desire is often related to either finding a spouse, having a child, or what you feel “called” to do.  I’m sure you have heard that God will give you the desires of your heart as long as you are in Him and you can even find where it says that in the Bible, “He will give you the desires of your heart.”  Psalm 37:4b (NIV)

The problem is that too often we get tired of waiting on God to fulfill our desires.

His Word says that He will give us the desires of our heart, so why do we sometimes feel like He won’t?  I think it’s more a question of our own attitude and focus.  The conditional phrase in Psalm 37:4 is “Delight yourself in The LORD…”  It doesn’t say to delight in yourself, your job, or your relationships, but in The LORD.

When you look at your desires closely, are you focused on how you can bring glory to God through them or on how they will make you feel?  Is your focus on how you will be perceived by others or on how God sees you?  Is your attitude one of humility, or would the fulfillment of your desires puff you up?  Are you expecting to be fulfilled in your own timing or relying on God to give you the desires of your heart at just the right time?

If you are to the point where you just want to give up and move on, maybe you should.  Give up on the selfish side of your desires and move on to focusing on your creator.  Give up on impressing others and delight in giving God your gifts.  Give up on your status among men and move on to being a child of God.  Give up on forcing the issue and let God move in your life in His own perfect timing.

“[Denying self and taking up the cross] means that we live in pursuit of The Holy Spirit’s desires rather than being driven by what we want to do.  The cross modeled death for us, and beckons us to die to our rights to our talents, resources, family and friends, use of our time, career, reputation, future.  We surrender all rights to His service.”
David BuehringA Discipleship Journey

Delight yourself in the LORD
and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4b (NIV)