It’s tough to truly appreciate something unless you’ve had to go without it at some point.  You’ve heard the saying “It’s better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.”  If you’ve never loved at all, you do not full grasp what love is like.

Over the past few weeks, I have been struggling with pneumonia.  Although I have been steadily getting better, some days have been better than others.  Going through the day feeling like someone is sitting on your chest is not the best feeling in the world, and I have come to a better appreciation of every breath I take since my breathing has been more difficult lately.

I find it interesting how a change in perspective about something as simple as the air we breathe can change the way we approach the bigger parts of life. I am seeing more and more how each moment of every day is precious.  Every breath that enters my lungs is a gift from God.  It is a miracle how He takes the oxygen from the air through my lungs and into my blood so that I can carry out even the most basic of functions.  The hours that I am able to work in the comfort of my church is a gift.  Every second I get to spend with my daughter means more to me knowing that I don’t get to see her every week.  Each moment that I get to see my wife brings me joy, even if she is sick and exhausted from work.  The time I have with my boys, even just sitting in a clump on the couch watching TV, is time that I wouldn’t trade for anything else.  I cherish the friendships that I have and the joy of being able to work with true friends.

Every moment of every day is a blessing.  Even tough times are worth living through, just as it says in James 1:2-3 because they develop perseverance.  I thank God for the breath that I am able to breathe by His grace.  Even when it is difficult, I thank Him for each breath.