typographyWith a blank page in front of me and a cursor beckoning me to type, words begin to appear on the page as fragments of my heart and mind turn to text on my screen. Typographical errors add a splash of color as my thoughts drip out at a few words per minute. I’ve missed this. I miss reading other blogs and books. I miss writing. Being away for so long has caused the creative writing portion of my brain to atrophy some and the process is much slower than I remember, but it is not forgotten.

Two things that can pull you away from what you enjoy are busyness and stress. Sometimes those things can be from the same source making it a bit easier to compartmentalize them and step away at times. When busyness comes from one direction and stress from another, it becomes seemingly impossible to avoid the cross fire and get away. That is where I’ve been the past two months, and probably where I will return to soon. I have a break from the busyness for now, so I write.

While I may not have much to say right now, it is good to see that I still know how to write. In the coming posts, I plan to write about what I’ve been doing over the past two months, including stage designs, job searching for my wife, special events and celebrations, and discussions around bringing an international student into our home. I hope that I’ve engaged your interest with at least one of those topics, and I hope that you’ll subscribe via RSS or email so that you don’t miss them. At the very least I hope that you’ll be back soon and engage in discussion around the coming topics through comments and sharing with your social networks.