humble orthodoxy

Orthodoxy and doctrine are two words that well up a lot of emotion in most people, and I’d venture to guess that most of that emotion is negative.  More often than not, when someone gains knowledge, they want to impress that knowledge on others, but no one likes...

29 pages

If you follow my blog with any regularity, you know that I have been on a spiritual journey, searching for my place in calling and struggling through the same sins over and over again.  I have been reading through a book by Joshua Harris called Dug Down Deep and one...

caption needed

The title says it all, but in case you’re not sure… I’m looking for you help with a caption for this picture.  Some other blogs that I follow occasionally have posts called “caption needed.” Since a good friend got me hooked on...

more cowbell?

Unfortunately, a prescription of more cowbell was not what I got last week after having fevers reaching over 104 degrees.  My illness has kept me from being able to think straight enough to post anything, but I hope to pick back up very soon.  This pneumonia has...

prayer is not a spectator sport

So there was nothing to watch on TV last night, but instead of picking up a book or doing some work around the house, I settled on watching NASCAR.  I know it sounds odd that I would want to watch a bunch of guys make a bunch of left turns around a track that’s...

more than buttons and knobs

Left-brained or right-brained? Mathematical or creative? Practical or sentimental? Logical or emotional?  Most people have qualities from both sides of the spectrum but often have the tendency to be stronger on one side.  You can give the same task to two different...

healthy* competition

Eating… it’s almost part of being American, right?  At picnics throughout the summer from  Memorial Day through Independence Day and all the way through Labor Day, we consume a lot of hot dogs, burgers, potato salad, chips, and pop (or soda for everyone...


The minute I’m actually awake and not just hitting the snooze button again, my mind starts running.  For the past five minutes, I’ve been sitting in silence but it hasn’t felt quiet because of everything running through my mind.  Going a mile a...

press on

When you’ve got a case of the Mondays and you’d rather be somewhere else… When you’re sleepwalking through your day at work… When you’ve hit a wall in the project you’re working on… When your day feels like a hopeless...