Is it my imagination or does there seem to be a lot of events scheduled for September 11?  I’m not suggesting that we should avoid scheduling anything on that day, but there seems to be a lot going on this year on 9-11.  Maybe its just because it’s a...

prayer and the american dream

Heaven holds the key by which decisions governing earthly affairs are made but we hold the key by which those decisions are implemented… Prayer is not overcoming reluctance in God. It is not persuading Him to do something He is unwilling to do.  It is...

anointed in imperfection

There’s no hiding it.  I am imperfect.  It’s good to recognize our imperfections and work through them, but I have fallen into the trap of using my imperfections as an excuse too many times.  I’ve been able to fumble my way through aspects of life...


Pastor Doug Melder did a great job kicking off the new series Community this weekend.  Get ready for an amazing story of healing from the mission trip to Nicaragua this year.

intellectual debate

I remember when I was younger, my mom told me that she had a dream about me.  In that dream I had become a debater.  I don’t know if I had been arguing with her that day or had convinced my sister to do something for me but there I was in her dream, involved in...

drive through friendships

When we were little, our best friends were the ones that lived close enough for us to go play with.  As we moved into middle school and high school, friendships became based on common interests.  The football players were their own group of friends, the band kids were...

a glimpse of significance

If God knew from all eternity that the net result of all His creative activity, including the plan of redemption, would be only this tiny minority, comparatively speaking, then it may be presumed that this small group was the object of all of God’s previous...


He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. 2 Corinthians 5:21 (NASB) There is no more encouraging words to me than those.  In Christ, I am made right with God.  I am a new creation.  The old me is no...

breathing in a gift

It’s tough to truly appreciate something unless you’ve had to go without it at some point.  You’ve heard the saying “It’s better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.”  If you’ve never loved at all, you do...