5 months

Are You testing me or am I just under attack?  I’ve been fine for 5 months and now I’m hit with reminders.  I can’t go a day without thinking about the past.  My attention is drawn to the moments I hated and how I am recreating those moments for my...


If you line up with God’s mission to the Church to further His Kingdom (Matthew 28:19, Acts 1:8), you will inevitably face opposition. Whether it be physical ailments, mental obstruction, or spiritual second guessing, The enemy will do anything to try to disrupt...

too messy for Jesus

Life is messy.  From the birthing room through the terrible twos (that last through the teenage years) to marriage and parenthood, life is full of messiness.  Sometimes we are overwhelmed by the mess in our lives. Sometimes we feel like we’ve messed up so badly...


Father, I want to be known by Your character.  Your ways are not my ways, nor are they the ways of the world.  Unfortunately, my ways tend to lean more towards those of the world rather than Your ways.  I am sadly nothing more than a mirror smeared with black paint,...

where busyness belongs

Are you too busy for God? Do you feel like you have too much going on to devote any time to reading the Bible or being a part of a small group? Is your weekly pilgrimage to the local church the only spiritual thing you have time for? Are you overwhelmed with busyness?...

Lee Strobel

This past weekend was huge at North Way Christian Community. Not only did Lee Strobel kick off a new series but we also soft launched our Sewickley Valley Campus. We have one more soft launch next week and the grand opening at Osborne Elementary is in two weeks. If...

too busy to tweet

Sometimes there is so much going on that even the little things that had seemingly become a constant part of your life can be put on hold.  Take twitter for example… Over the past week, I have tweeted only 8 times as opposed to the previous week when I tweeted...


I’ve been told in the past that God places certain desires in our hearts.  Although I have not come across Scripture to back that up, it is something I can agree with.  I don’t think a desire to become a missionary or pastor come from within ourselves, but...

chasing rabbits

A discerning man keeps wisdom in view, but a fool’s eyes wander to the ends of the earth.  Proverbs 17:24 Rabbit trails are a dangerous thing.  In the context of the work place or specifically a meeting, they cause a decrease in productivity and distract from...