thanksgiving is an action

When it comes to busy times of year, the Christmas season has to be the busiest.  Retail stores traditionally depend on this time of year to get out of the “red” and into the “black” (hence “black friday”).  Traffic seems to get...

who is God?

You could ask 100 Christians who God is and you’d get as many answers.  I have a theory on why that is.  When you think about God, you base your perception on personal experience and divine revelation.  The personal experience you have with relationships molds...

evening routine

Every night, I sit on the couch with laptop on my lap and remote in my hand.  I watch the shows on the DVR, catch up on FaceBook, do a little Farmville farming, check all the stats for my websites, tweet a few times, and eventually get so tired that I start falling...

iPhone 4 has some issues

Apple makes a great product.  They also utilize great marketing. Those two things combined gave me the desire to have an iPhone 4 when it came out.  I have been generally satisfied with the product but there are a couple quirks with my particular iPhone that have...

God deserves our worship

During the worship time of our staff devotions, my friend Brad shared for a moment about how when he woke up he was not looking forward to leading worship this morning.  The words of the song he led us in brought about a change in his attitude though.  God wants us to...

I broke my rss

Oops.  Apparently when I was making some site adjustments this past week, I broke the link between my site and FeedBurner.  The good news is that everything is fixed again.  If you still aren’t receiving the feed, check that your rss reader is pointing to...


Serving others is something I get stuck on.  It’s not that I don’t want to serve other or that I don’t do it, but that I often feel like I don’t have the time to do enough.  I see friends who work “normal” jobs that use their free...

picture of grace

“Mercy doesn’t care what you’ve done.”  If that’s not a perfect picture of God’s grace, I don’t know what is.  You’re failures don’t void His mercy in your life, and your greatest successes can never earn it.  I...

supplementary or necessary

The difference between supplementary and necessary things is time.  If you think about it, most of the things that we feel are necessary today were nothing more than impractical embellishments not all that long ago.  Before that, chances are they didn’t even...