Only You

This has to be one of my favorite songs of all time, as well as one of my bands.  The simple melody carries me into an attitude of laying down my pride, selfishness, insecurity, and anything else that I am allowing to burden me.  It doesn’t matter if I’m...


I seem to have hit a plateau in regards to the followers of this blog. While I have a few theories about why that is (thanks John), I think the main reason is constancy. If you’ve followed my posts for any length of time, you’ve probably noticed the almost...

spring cleaning

With the craziness of the Christmas season finally calmed down, it’s time to clean up.  While the decorations are still up at home, the church has been “de-decorated” and there is now a bit of organizing to do.  With all the time we spent putting up...

Be Thou My Vision

It’s music Monday and I thought I’d take a look at a hymn that we sang in church this past weekend. The inspiration for Be Thou My Vision can be traced back to an event in 5th century Ireland when Saint Patrick defied the High King Logaire and lit a flame...

communication in real life

The art of communication is changing more than ever as technology continues to bring new methods to communicate.  It wasn’t long ago that a two-way conversation could only be held in person, over a phone call, or via postal mail.  Today there is email, SMS...

not this year

I hate New Year Resolutions.  I tried something ambitious last year thinking that blogging about it would keep me accountable to it, but I failed miserably in record time.  This year I am refraining from making a resolution because I know that I will only be setting...

picture of redemption

Redemption can be defined as deliverance, rescue, salvation, and atonement from guilt (  All of these definitions imply moving from one state to another.  You can be delivered, rescued, or saved from something bad into something good.  You can be...

I need Your help

God, I am having a hard time understanding Your plan right now. I know You have a perfect plan, but from my imperfect perspective I feel at a loss. Maybe that is part of Your plan. I know You will never leave or forsake me, but I am having a hard time seeing Your...

Christmas spirit

You hear it in movies and commercials.  Maybe from your family or friends.  It’s time to get into the holiday spirit.  Where’s your Christmas spirit?  It seems as though people expects cheer and happiness from everyone around them as we approach Christmas....