It’s Official

The Journeymen are officially back as of this weekend. We got together last Thursday for a remote recording dry run and This week we recorded Episode 22. If you’re wondering what happened to Episode 21 and think that Episode 22 is just going just disappear...

Longing for God

Our longings for love, unity in diversity, communication, community, humility, peace, and selflessness are in fact–by design–longings for the Trinitarian God of the Bible and a world that is a reflection of the Trinity. Tragically, human desires corrupted by sin turn...

Deciphering My Life

It’s no secret that I am in the process of discerning my calling and understanding my core passions. I’ve said in the past that I am passionate about working with students or leading worship, but these are only resultant activities stemming from my core...

Great Bible App

I try not to spend a lot of (any) money on apps for my iPhone or my wife’s iPad. We do have a few paid apps, but with the plethora of free apps out there, there is almost no need to pay for any apps. One particular free app that I’ve gotten a lot of use...

More Than a Song Stuck In Your Head

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. (Colossians 3:16 ESV) Music is not just about a euphoric feeling stemming from the...

Return of the Journeymen

The Journeymen Podcast is back. Episode 21 was recorded last night and will be posted after I take care of some editing. Now that we’re back with a new method of recording, we are hoping to bring you a new episode every week. I know some of you were wondering...

Am I Good Enough?

When I’m feeling distant from God, it’s because I’ve measured myself and have come up short. This leads me to believe that God must be measuring me by this this same standard. So I end up with the false conclusion that he’s distant from me....

I am Blessed

It’s hard to notice how blessed you really are unless someone points it out or you are intentionally thinking about it. When you are not reminded of it often and don’t think about it intentionally, it’s can be easy to fall into an attitude of...

Online Design Trends

I’ve been working on a new site design for The Journeymen Podcast over the past few weeks, and I decided to have my friend Eric take a look at the basic shell after a couple days. There were a few things that he picked apart that made me realize that I was out...