Long Days

We all have them sometimes. I usually know ahead of time when I am going to have a long day, but sometimes they kind of sneak up on me. Yesterday was one of those days that snuck up on me as there was a lot more work in getting set up for an event tonight than I...

Toil Turns To Rest

Pastor Scott Stevens brought an awesome message this past weekend on the subject of toil. It was a message that I need to hear more often because my attitude towards a lot of what I do is that it’s toil and does nothing but wear me down. I know that we...

doubt and expectancy

I think I am finally growing up.  Through out my school years I had always hated assignments that involved extended reading or multiple pages of writing.  It’s been almost two years since I started this blog and I’ve really begun to enjoy writing....

Pure Motives

Any any of us have truly pure motives? Even the most intimate relation we can have with another person through marriage has aspects that prove our motives to be less than pure. Do I ever do the dishes just for the good of my wife or do I do them do benefit myself...

iPhone = Media Computer Mouse

I’ve had a Mac Mini hooked up to my TV for a while, but using a mouse and keyboard has always been somewhat annoying. I’ve tried using Front Row with the apple remote, but it’s too limited. I’ve looked for good iPhone apps to use in the past,...

#musicmonday – Ratatat

Sometimes you just want some instrumental music to work to. For me it’s stuff like Ratatat. Put put their entire catalog on shuffle-repeat and a day of productivity ensues. I linked to their self-titled album, but they’ve got a lot more to offer. Click the...

Was Solomon Wrong?

Pastor Doug Melder preached a great sermon this week, kicking off the #Fail series. I’m sure most of us (read everyone) has felt like life was meaningless at one time or another. Even King Solomon wrote that life is nothing more than vanity in Ecclesiastes....

Endless Possibilities

Do you ever feel like you have too many options? I think the people that struggle with knowing what they should do with their life either have too many possibilities or no options, and are more likely to be a part of that first group. This can happen for a number of...

Church Production Volunteers

I’m hoping to get some feedback on this one from those of you who volunteer or lead volunteers in the world of church production. I came across a great site that was designed for the production teams of Mars Hill (Seattle) this past weekend, and it got me...