Stop For 5 Minutes And Listen

[tentblogger-youtube K48-Li7lIfA] Danny B. pointed me towards this video and I just had to share it everywhere possible. Take the five minutes to watch it. Watch it a second and third time if necessary. Share it with everyone you know.

Two Simple Words

I share a flaw with a majority of my generation. This flaw does not prevent us from accomplishing much and does not bring ruin to our relationships, but it is a big deal. We’ve been taught well to take responsibility when we falter or fail, so saying...

People Watching

My daughter is in the Math Olympics today, so I’ve been sitting at Starbucks taking care of some computer work, updating parts of the blog, and passively watching people. I’ve heard people talking about everything from social networking to favoritism in...

New Routines

It’s now been almost two weeks since we sold our car and new routines are finally starting to set in for me. If you know me you know that I hate mornings, especially when I have to wake up early. My wife has always started work two hours before me and now we are...

Free App of the Week

#TechTuesday is here and I thought I’d share the newest app to my iPhone (BTW – It’s FREE!). SMS (text) messages used to be so boring, but with Emoji ♨★♡♫ by iToyToy your SMS messages can have flair. With the Emoji language, you can send SMS...

Your Love Is Extravagant

It’s another installment of #MusicMonday! I led worship for our high school student ministry last night and afterwards felt like I didn’t do a very good job. I had a hard time engaging the students and I couldn’t find the melody of the last song for...

Do Something About It

Stuff happens. There are not a lot of certainties in life, but one thing you can count on is that things will not always go as you plan. Hard times are inevitable and as so many know from recent years, financial hard times can come out of seemingly nowhere. If you...


You are an interpreter. You may not be able to interpret another language into your own, but you do have the capacity to interpret and you use that capacity every day. You interpret the things your friends tell you and what you see on the news. You interpret the body...

Set Up Your Gravatar

This week’s installment of #TechTuesday is about your online presence. Everyone and their moms seem to be on Facebook. I’d say the majority of people understand how to create a profile picture for themselves. What surprises me is the number of people I see...