Leadership Traits

What am I doing? Where am I headed? What’s next for me? What is my potential? These are questions that often fill the minds of my generation. Most of us have reached a point where we know that we cannot do what we are doing forever, but understanding the next...

Why I Love My Mommy

If you’re not a Facebook friend of mine, and you missed my Twitter update, I thought I’d put the mother’s day video from this past weekend here on the blog for you as well. Enjoy. [tentblogger-vimeo 23483800]

Prayer is Worship

Every year, one day is set aside to focus on prayer throughout our nation. Every year, I am reminded on that one day how little I pray. Two years ago I was frustrated with the NDP because I felt like it was more of a show for people. I wondered why there was a...

May The Fourth Be With You

Happy Star Wars Day everyone. This is my friend, coworker, and fellow geek @Tedward. I have to give credit for that caption to @Lance_Morgan though. I love geek holidays. The next geek holiday is May 18 – International Museum Day.

Best GPS App For Your iPhone

I’m reviewing another free app for #TechTuesday this week, and it’s not just for iPhones. Social networking has become a big part of the lives of seemingly everyone. Everyone and their mothers are on Facebook and Twitter continues to grow everyday. Well,...

Osama bin Laden

The death of the most wanted terrorist in the world brings me mixed feelings. On one hand I am glad that he can no longer provide leadership to al-Qaeda. I take comfort in knowing that no American soldiers were hurt in the mission that lead to bin Laden’s death....

Royal Wedding

The top news story this month has been the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. The morning news has been 90% royal wedding, 5% weather, and 5% everything else this week and it is driving me nuts. Does anyone really care about the trees that have been brought...

Simple Prayers

One of our bedtime routines with the kids is to say prayers with them. It’s interesting to see how their prayers change over time. Each of our kids started by learning a prayer that they could say every night, thanking God for the day and asking for good dreams...

Two In A Row

Due to the Easter weekend, we were given Monday and Tuesday off as holidays at work this week. It’s not often that I get two days off in a row unless I’m taking vacation time, so I’ve been looking forward to this for a while. When days off only come...