Stewardship of Time

Stewardship of Time

Like many other people, it took a financial crisis for me to understand the importance of financial stewardship. I used to operate under the thinking that if I had money, I could spend it. If I didn’t have money, I would either borrow it or not eat for a few...
Ideas For Action

Ideas For Action

One of the things I like most about the results from the StrengthsFinder 2.0 test is “Ideas for Action” section. This section gives you specific things you can do with each of the five personalized leadership themes that the test reveals. You might already...
StrengthsFinder 2.0

StrengthsFinder 2.0

In December of 2008, I took the StrengthsFinder 1.0 Test along with the rest of the worship and production team at my church. As a part of the emerging leaders group, I took the StrengthsFinder 2.0 test today. It is interesting to see what has changed over the past...
International Home

International Home

Sometime late last year, I learned about an opportunity for families to host international students for the school that my children attend. A little more than a month ago, we were asked if we would be willing to host a tenth grade boy from South Korea who needed a...
Willing to Stay

Willing to Stay

You’ve had a desire to use your talents in a different way than they are being used right now. This might mean doing volunteer work or picking up a hobby of some sort, or it could mean something as big as a career change. The one thing you do know is that you...
Learning Prayer and Holiness

Learning Prayer and Holiness

…Commitments are made, habits are formed, and battles are fought against a real enemy… That quote from J.I. Packer has stuck with me ever since I read it five days ago. He was writing about how prayer and holiness are learned. When we accept Christ as our...
Still Working On It

Still Working On It

So my plan has been to wake up early to spend 30 minutes in Scripture, devotions, journaling, and prayer. It has been two days and I still have not been able to get myself out of bed early. I’ve still accomplished my 30 minute goal later in the day on both...
Theme For The Year

Theme For The Year

I keep hearing people talking about their “word for the year”. It’s a lot like having a resolution, but more general. Some say they want to be more patient or productive. Some want to focus on worship while others want to be more obedient or...
Zeitgeist 2011

Zeitgeist 2011

It’s always interesting to me to see what the world has searched for over the past year. Google has done a great job in the past years of showing that information through their Zeitgeist, and this year is no different. From the fastest rising searches to the...