

It’s probably no surprise to anyone who knows me or follows my public musings that discipline is not one of my stronger gifts. I could fill this whole blog post with a list of things that I have remained disciplined in doing. My vertical time with God, blogging,...
Hearing God

Hearing God

Where do you see yourself next year? How about in three years, or five, or ten? Those questions often come up in the interview process, or when meeting with interns, but they easily stick with you for years. Over the past twelve years, I would have probably answered...
The Go-To Person

The Go-To Person

Do you want to be a leader in your field or would you rather stay in the same job forever? Do you feel like your salary matches your production? These questions probably have one of two effects on you. Either your frustration level rose because you feel...
Supportive Team Analyst

Supportive Team Analyst

In my quest to better understand myself and how I function in team and leadership settings, I try to take advantage of any opportunity I have to learn through my leaders, peers, and tests or assessments. When I saw the Action & Influence was giving away free...

Hearing God: Circling Your Jericho

What is stopping you from hearing God? Does He only speak to the extraordinarily holy people among us, if at all? When was the last time you knew you were hearing from God? If you never have heard from Him, are you trying? If it’s been a long time since...
Acting Like a Child

Acting Like a Child

God is a good Father who wants to give good gifts to His children. Sometimes I forget this truth and beg as though He needs convincing. It’s as ridiculous as if my kids thought they needed to beg me to hug them. It delights my heart to hug them. Francis Chan –...
A Delicate Balance

A Delicate Balance

Create an environment that helps people engage in worship and the Word of God. This is the task for production teams in large churches around the world. Everyone connects in different ways, and something that might help one person engage might be a distraction to...
Stuck in Saturday

Stuck in Saturday

Put yourself in the shoes of the disciples, Jesus’ closest friends. He’s been saying all kinds of weird things about leaving, being denied, and rebuilding temples. All of the sudden, Jesus gets arrested, tried, and crucified. Now it’s Saturday and...
In Mourning

In Mourning

I am no stranger to the loss of a loved one. My grandfather passed away when I was in junior high. One of my cousins was killed in a car accident when I was in college. My dad died two years ago from cancer. The professionals who have studied grief tend to say that...