Think About These Things

Think About These Things

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received...

Before The Show @NorthWayCC

Just before the final rehearsal for this year’s Christmas Concerts in Wexford, we all gather together for a quick review and prayer. It’s not about providing entertainment for the community. It’s about creating opportunities for lives to be changed....
Make Room

Make Room

My wife and I are acting on where we feel God is leading us. It was a decision that we did not take lightly. The nudging would not go away. We prayed long and hard about it. We sought wise counsel and second and third opinions. It’s a giant leap of faith for us,...
Politics Aside: Leaders Will Lead

Politics Aside: Leaders Will Lead

I voted. The candidate that I voted for did not win, and I was frustrated about that for a short time, but I’m over it. President Obama will be the leader of our nation for another four years and I will support him as our leader. I don’t agree with all of...


I’ve heard it said that honor is given and respect is earned, but how do you earn respect? A good start is to show respect and give it to others. Trying to earn respect any other way can become a cycle of proving yourself time and time again. If you look at a...
Political Religiosity

Political Religiosity

Do you ever wonder why you seem to keep hearing the same thing over and over again? I don’t mean the mudslinging political ads that say the same things about different candidates ever four years. I mean things that directly affect your daily life, how you...
Winning Arguments

Winning Arguments

I remember when I was young, my mother had a dream that I was going to become a debater. My college years made me more of a debtor than debater, but college also taught me how to express my thoughts in convincing arguments. I might not always have the best arguments...


Have you ever been driving and find yourself going the wrong direction. It’s easy to get used to driving certain routes that when you have to go somewhere else with a similar route, you can forget where you are going for a brief moment and miss a turn. That...