I Surrender?

I Surrender?

I was whistling I Surrender All throughout most of the weekend, and it occurred to me that I don’t surrender everything to Jesus. If I truly surrendered all, I would not have the level of stress that I do. If I gave the entirety of my life over to Jesus, I would...
Slave To Sin | Slave To Righteousness

Slave To Sin | Slave To Righteousness

The Israelites were slaves in Egypt. As they journeyed through the wilderness towards the promised land, they often complained of their situation and said that it would have been better if they had never left Egypt (Exodus 14:12, 16:3, 17:3, Numbers 11:5-20, 14:2-4,...

The LORD bless you and keep you;
the LORD make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;
the LORD lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.

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Chris Dean – As I Am

This is a powerful perspective that so many of us don’t know about or understand. Chris Dean’s heart stopped when he was two. He died but he came back. When Chris was five, his father was murdered, riddled by more than 20 bullets in a gang shootout. At age 18,...


Depending on your definition of failure, up to an estimated 95% of companies fail according to Harvard Business School. That staggering statistic is probably not far off from the failure rate of anything that people attempt. Many ideas that people have never make it...


Pastor Doug Melder brought a deep sermon on relativism and truth this weekend at North Way Christian Community. Relativism is a difficult topic to approach for anyone because convincing a relativist of absolute truths that they disagree with is a daunting task, but...
Patience vs. Persistent Perseverance

Patience vs. Persistent Perseverance

There are times to be patient and times to press through obstacles. How do you know the difference? If you always turn around when you reach opposition, how will you ever get to where you are going? If the roadblock is there for a reason, will pushing through it...

The Superbowl Of Christianity

I’ve heard it over and over from pastors, working moms, big brothers, and volunteers. Easter is like the Superbowl for anyone who works in a church. All the work we do, the meetings we have, the lives we try to reach, are all because of the events that we...