There’s more to life than making more money, buying a bigger house, driving a fast car, and moving up the corporate ladder. In the words of John Mayer:

I’m dizzy from the shopping malls
I searched for joy, but I bought it all
It doesn’t help the hunger pains
and a thirst I’d have to drown first to ever satiate

Something’s missing
And I don’t know how to fix it
Something’s missing
And I don’t know what it is at all

Something’s Missing, ©2003 John Mayer, from the album Heavier Things

The Christian response to this feeling of emptiness tends to be something along the lines of “He needs Jesus,” or “I hope he finds Jesus,” but Christians have the same feeling that there is more to life than what they are experiencing. We go to church, work all kinds of different jobs, have families and raise kids, but often times there is something more. We want to know our life’s purpose or our calling. I would venture to guess that we’ve all experienced it at some point in our lives, and it can take years to finally feel a sense of fulfillment in what we do.

I look at some of my mentors, friends, and family, and see that they have found it, or at least something like it. They are making a difference in the world and people’s lives. They are bringing people into a relationship with Christ. They are helping the poor and the powerless and bringing hope to the hopeless. I see the children of my friends deciding to raise money to build wells in Africa instead of receiving birthday gifts.

Don’t get me wrong. I believe the only way to fill the void we feel within is through the redemptive power of Jesus Christ on the cross, but I don’t think it stops there. I think God tugs on our hearts at different points in our lives. He whispers His ways and wants us to further His Kingdom. Sometimes he even knocks us upside the head when we aren’t listening.

Check out this sermon where Ian Rosenberger shared about when God had to smack him to get his attention:

This year, it seems that we’ve spent a lot of time discussing social justice at my church. We had an entire sermon series about it. Maybe its God is trying to get my attention. I’ve been trying to figure out my calling for a long time. Maybe my calling, or at least part of my calling, is to be an advocate for the poor and powerless.

Calling and vocation don’t always mean the same thing, but they should be connected somehow. My vocation right now is to be a tech guy at my church. I know I’ve been called to vocational ministry of some kind; whether that means what I am doing right now, becoming a pastor, or something entirely different, I don’t know. What I do know is that I can do more for The Kingdom than just create environments where people meet Jesus and are free to follow Him. I have a number of gift sets that I am not using to their fullest potential. Writing is one of these gifts.

Starting August 1, I am starting a new online venture. The only cost to me is the time it takes to research and develop content, but the outcome could be enormous. It’s called The Cause Blog. A lot of people want to make the world a better place, but it can be difficult to know where to start. My initial plan for The Cause Blog is to connect people with easy starting points to change the world. “Do Something More” is the motto of The Cause Blog because it relates to how I feel about my role in the furthering of The Kingdom of God. I feel like I can do more. I have been blessed so much by my Savior, and I want to give back to Him as much as His grace allows me.

If you would like to join me in the development and/or execution of The Cause Blog, just leave a comment below. I’ll get in touch with you to discuss ways that you can help. My hope is that I can encourage people to get involved and make a difference in the lives of others. Sometimes it’s as simple as a $1 donation. Other times people will feel called to go on a mission trip or even change their vocation entirely.