Right now I am in the process of praying through my calling, asking God for discernment and direction, but I have come to a point of struggle.  Is there a line between being willing to follow and trust God no matter what and finding your calling?  If so, where is that line?

When I look at Abraham, I see a man who was willing to kill his only son, trusting that God would still fulfill his promise of making him into a great and powerful nation.  That sounds to me like being willing to fully trust God rather than being called to something.  I know he was called to fully trust God, but his calling wasn’t to actually kill his son.  When Abraham left his home for a place unknown that he would later receive as his inheritance, he went and settled like a stranger in the promised land.  He was called to go there, looking forward to a city built on foundations, designed by God.  Is the difference between calling and willingness found in a closed door and provision elsewhere?

All I know to do right now is continue to pray.  Pray that God shows me my next step and closes doors where I should not be headed.  I just wish it was easier.

Have you discerned your calling?
Was there a time when you had to be willing to do something else?
How did you finally know that you were living your calling?