Right now I am in the process of praying through my calling, asking God for discernment and direction, but I have come to a point of struggle. Is there a line between being willing to follow and trust God no matter what and finding your calling? If so, where is that line?
When I look at Abraham, I see a man who was willing to kill his only son, trusting that God would still fulfill his promise of making him into a great and powerful nation. That sounds to me like being willing to fully trust God rather than being called to something. I know he was called to fully trust God, but his calling wasn’t to actually kill his son. When Abraham left his home for a place unknown that he would later receive as his inheritance, he went and settled like a stranger in the promised land. He was called to go there, looking forward to a city built on foundations, designed by God. Is the difference between calling and willingness found in a closed door and provision elsewhere?
All I know to do right now is continue to pray. Pray that God shows me my next step and closes doors where I should not be headed. I just wish it was easier.
Have you discerned your calling?
Was there a time when you had to be willing to do something else?
How did you finally know that you were living your calling?
I received a couple comments on this post via facebook:
Steve & Joanne
In your example of Abraham, he was willing to trust God BECAUSE he knew he was called. God had promised him that his descendants would be more numerous than the stars in the sky, and since Isaac was the means to the fulfillment of that promise, he was willing to trust God to fulfill the calling.
We do not find the two mutually exclusive – we are called because we are willing, and we are willing because we are called. We prayed and fasted in regards to the scripture “where there is no vision, the people perish”. We reminded God of his Word, and that he promised that His word that is sent forth from his mouth will not fall to the ground, but will accomplish that for which it was sent. Since WE are his word, sent into the earth, and He knows the plans He has for us, He answered our prayer/fasting time and gave us clear vision and direction, showing us how he plans on accomplishing His will through us and renewing our willingness to take risks when they line up with that vision.
Tony, I’m willing to do a lot of things, but I believe that God calls me according to my spiritual gifts. I know what mine are, and when I serve in the area(s) of my giftedness…I sense God’s pleasure, and I am blessed.